Dockyard Tank ParkingDockyard Tank ParkingThe Malevolent Mansion of EvilThe Malevolent Mansion of EvilCommand Strike FPSCommand Strike FPSMedieval Battle 2PMedieval Battle 2PDeadswitch 3Deadswitch 3Sniper Vs SniperSniper Vs SniperConflict of NationsConflict of NationsStrainZ-1StrainZ-1Super SergeantSuper SergeantCritical Strike Global OpsCritical Strike Global OpsBlack Soldier of RomeBlack Soldier of RomeAssault on the Evil StarAssault on the Evil StarCS: Delta ForceCS: Delta ForceArmy of Soldiers : Team BattleArmy of Soldiers : Team BattleRush TeamRush TeamZombie Royale.ioZombie Royale.ioInfinity Battlefield OpsInfinity Battlefield OpsThe Undisputables Online MultiplayerThe Undisputables Online MultiplayerTanks BlitzTanks BlitzSubway Clash 2 3DSubway Clash 2 3DTiny RiflesTiny RiflesLast War:SurvivalLast War:SurvivalCobraz ioCobraz ioSpecial Strike OperationsSpecial Strike OperationsSoldier Of The Homeland : SaharaSoldier Of The Homeland : SaharaTakeoverTakeoverMilitary Wars: WarfareMilitary Wars: WarfareRed Stickman: Fighting StickRed Stickman: Fighting StickForward Assault RemixForward Assault RemixKnightBit: Battle of the KnightsKnightBit: Battle of the KnightsFarm Clash 3DFarm Clash 3DSayan Batle 2DSayan Batle 2DTREVOR 3: Mad StoryTREVOR 3: Mad StoryHobo 2 Prison BrawlHobo 2 Prison BrawlStrainZ-1StrainZ-1Crazy Strike ForceCrazy Strike ForceFuga dalla prigione 2Fuga dalla prigione 2Guerrillas ioGuerrillas ioMineworld Horror: The MansionMineworld Horror: The MansionZombie Derby 2Zombie Derby 2Metal Army War 3Metal Army War 3Arena Zombie CityArena Zombie CityBurnin Rubber 5Burnin Rubber 5Zombie AreaZombie AreaCraftnite.ioCraftnite.ioSquid GameSquid GameCounter City Strike Commando Action 2020Counter City Strike Commando Action 2020CS War Gun King FPSCS War Gun King FPSImposter Battle RoyaleImposter Battle RoyaleSquid Game: Player 456Squid Game: Player 456DEEEER SimulatorDEEEER SimulatorDifensore della BaseDifensore della BaseMutant GuerraMutant Guerrarobot attaccano le personerobot attaccano le personeInsects: Alien ShooterInsects: Alien ShooterMasked Forces 3Masked Forces 3Wolfenstein 3DWolfenstein 3DDarkness In SpaceshipDarkness In SpaceshipAmazing Crime Strange Stickman Rope Vice VegasAmazing Crime Strange Stickman Rope Vice VegasPioggia di proiettiliPioggia di proiettiliSuper Sergeant 2Super Sergeant 2Squid Game SniperSquid Game SniperStick DefendersStick DefendersCommander Assualt Duty 2Commander Assualt Duty 2Counter Craft 2 ZombiesCounter Craft 2 ZombiesStella MissionStella MissionSpara ai soldati nemiciSpara ai soldati nemiciSqualo cacciatore 2Squalo cacciatore 2Army of Soldiers : Team BattleArmy of Soldiers : Team BattleMad City: Joker 3Mad City: Joker 3Agent ShootingAgent ShootingKogama MinecraftKogama MinecraftBopz ioBopz ioStickman: Sift Heads World - Act 1Stickman: Sift Heads World - Act 1Metal Army War: RevengeMetal Army War: RevengeDowntown 1930s MafiaDowntown 1930s MafiaCittà degli zombiCittà degli zombi Volunteer to the Darkness Volunteer to the DarknessBlocky Gun Paintball 3Blocky Gun Paintball 3Pixel Combat MultiplayerPixel Combat Multiplayer

Sei un sicario armato solo di un coltello e delle tue abilità nell'assassinio. Avvicinati ai tuoi nemici ed eliminali tutti. Uccidi più bersagli in breve tempo e otterrai una combo. Guadagna monete e sblocca carte per ottenere diverse skin di personaggi. Torna ogni giorno per raccogliere premi giornalieri. Scopri i bottini che producono carte. Assembla 3 carte uguali per potenziare i tuoi personaggi.

Hunter Hitman è stato aggiunto in Giochi di Militari.